Many thanks for expressing an interest in employing a third party builder to assemble Microaces kits for you. By signing up to the registry you will be giving us permission to pass your details on to our Builders Registry to allow them to contact you directly to discuss the task ahead.
So far we have 30 registered builders based in the UK, USA, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy and New Zealand. So there is likely to be a someone that can help with your requirements. The vast majority are happy to build for a nominal 'thank-you' fee plus any modest expenses incurred from shipping and materials used. Any financial transactions for the build itself should be made between you and the individual providing the build service.
There are a few questions below we feel will help find the right type of service for you and the model(s) you'd like to have built.
We will pass on your registered information to the Builders Registry and will rely on the builder or builders to contact you if they feel they can offer the service you require.
Registration is, of course, completely FREE.
Jon & Simon
Microaces Ltd
PS. Once you've completed the form and submitted it, you'll be sent a confirmation email that you must click on to confirm your subscription.